2019 PSWC Women's Retreat

Do you desire to be made new?  Does someone you know need hope that her life can be made new?  We invite you to come to the 2019 PSWC Women’s Retreat and bring a friend. We will explore what it means to be MADE NEW in Christ and believe that God will begin His new work in us as we retreat together.

Scroll down to see Schedule and Activities/Breakouts Descriptions.


Rev. Dr. Jean Cheng Gorman Retreat Speaker

JEAN CHENG GORMAN is an Ordained Covenant pastor serving the PSWC as Director of Ministerial Health.

Prajakta David Serve Globally Rep

PRAJAKTA DAVID serves as the Manager of Church Relations for Serve Globally.

Location Information

  • Mission Springs Conference Center
  • 1050 Lockhart Gulch Road, Scotts Valley, CA, 95066

Retreat Schedule

4 PMFriday Check-in

Check-in at Heritage Lounge. Register for breakouts, activities and Spiritual Direction.

5:30 PMDinner

7 PMGeneral Session #1

6:15 AMSaturday Hike

Hike to Eagles Landing

8 AMBreakfast

9 AMGeneral Session #2

Session with Prajakta David. Offering taken for Serve Globally.

10:45 AMGeneral Session #3

12:30 PMLunch

1:45 PMAfternoon Activities

Breakouts, Crafts, Spiritual Direction, Zip Line

5:45 PMDinner

7 PMGeneral Session #4

8 AMBreakfast

9 AMCheckout

Please be sure to return your key. $25 fee for lost keys.

10 AMGeneral Session #4

Offering taken for PSWC Women Ministries

12:30 OMLunch

Lunch and farewell.

Retreat Activities


Morning Activities

 Hike to Eagle’s Landing 

Led by Mission Springs’ Staff

You will be guided through the three ecosystems of Mission Springs starting from the Worship Center and ending at the Eagle’s Landing lookout deck. Be advised that a good portion of the hike is at an incline and then decline on the trip back. Approx 2 hours. Meet at the Worship Center at 6:15am. Bring water.


Pastors’ Wives Breakfast

Hosted by Hannah Nelson

Pastors’ Wives You are important partners in life and ministry! Connect with your peers over Sunday morning breakfast at 8am.


Evening Activities

Praise and Prayer

Led by Heather Tiffee

Let's gather around the campfire for an informal time of worship, intercessory prayer, and sharing.


Saturday Afternoon Activities 

Women Clergy Lunch 

Hosted by Katherine Schoen

Pastors Come join your peers for fellowship and food with special guest Marilyn Williams. Saturday at 12:30pm in the Dining Hall patio. 


Craft: Embossed Aluminum Art

Led by Vicky Brodt

Create a lovely embossed aluminum art piece. Embossed pieces can be colored or left plain and joined with wire and beads.


Zip Line 

Led by Mission Springs’ Staff

Your journey begins as you climb the stairs to the top of the 40’ Zip Line Tower. Once secured, you can step off the platform and take an exhilarating ride down the 300’ Zip Line. Must wear closed-toe shoes. Requires signed liability waiver.


Volleyball Seminar 

Led by Margaret Anderson

If you love volleyball or want to learn more about volleyball, you are invited to this active seminar! We will briefly review volleyball skills: bump, set, spike, and serve. We’ll play games like Volus, queen of the court, speed doubles, and scrimmage.

Saturday Afternoon Breakouts

Session 1                  1:45pm 2:45pm

Marriage Made New

Led by Jean Cheng Gorman

Does God's promise to "make all things new" include making our marriages "new?" If so, how does renewing, reviving, and restoring our marriages happen? Come prepared to open yourself and your marriage to God's work as we draw from Scripture and psychology for hope and practical guidance.


Prayer Workshop

Led by Karolyn Gundersen

What happens when we pray and what does God do when we trust Him in this way? We will check out some scriptures, prayer disciplines, and have some prayer experiences together. There will be a time for sharing both answered and "unanswered" prayer and how that can challenge and change us.


We Are Family: Understanding ECC’s Theology of Women 

Led by Marilyn Williams

“Faith in Christ Jesus is what makes each of you equal with each other, whether you are a Jew or Greek, a slave or a free person, a man or a woman.” (Galatians 3:28) Have you taken the time to dig into ECC’s Biblical foundation affirming men and women for leadership and teaching in Christian ministry? Together, we are sisters and brothers, uniquely called and gifted in every area of discipleship, ministry context, and leadership. Join us as we dig into the Scriptures to explore our unity and theology of women in the ECC.


Let Your Life Speak Sensing the Movement and Guidance of God in our Lives

Led by Susan Cosio

In this workshop, we will learn how to look for God’s movement in our lives. Susan will share how God has directed her path, and invite us to explore spiritual practices that can help us look and listen for God’s guidance and directives.

Session 2                  3:00pm 4:00pm

Missional Living

Led by Prajakta David

In Matthew 5:13, Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?” In this workshop we will explore “missions,” an invitation for us to participate not just in the transformation of the world but also ourselves. We will explore how we can participate in God's mission globally in our daily lives


Carry the Word: Discern // Discover // Develop 

Led by Rici Skei

This will be a time of discernment for women who are wondering IF they are called to “carry the word” of God through the preaching and teaching ministries. This will also be a time of discovering our unique voices as women from various cross-cultural settings for those who know they ARE called to "carry the word" of God through the preaching and teaching ministries. Our time together will conclude with deeper biblical and practical development of preaching and teaching.


Spiritual Gifts Unwrapped

Led by Kathy Edwards

In this class we will unwrap Spiritual Gifts, what they are, why we have them and how to discover your own Spiritual Gifts. We will also touch on how to find peace and fulfillment in serving in your unique way.


The Crescendo Lifestyle

Led by Carmen Quinche and Lynda Delgado

Crescendo is not a program, but a lifestyle which offers a pathway to vitality, both for individuals and congregations. Because 10,000 people a day reach 65 years old, Crescendo seeks to prepare those who are 50+ years old for the next phase of life and pursue an interdependent culture in congregations, void of ageism. Crescendo emphasizes ministry by, with, and for Boomers and beyond, as lifelong servants of God.

Session 3                  4:15pm 5:15pm

What's New With New Day

Led by Kathryn Wilson

Come meet Sharon Woods, the new Executive Director of New Day, as she and Kathy Wilson give updates on the girls and share New Day's role in restoring trafficking victims "one life at a time."


4D Discipleship 

Led by Tammy Long 

Jesus calls us to come and follow Him - and to go and make disciples, but what does that look like today? Discipleship is not a method or a program. Nor does it look exactly the same for each person. Following Jesus as a disciple is a personalized lifestyle and never-ending adventure of walking with Him step by step, day by day. Join us as we explore 4D Discipleship, a lifelong practice for disciples who make disciples.


Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships 

Led by Lynda Delgado and Carmen Quinche 

Pastors, friends, and family members are often approached for counsel or a listening ear by someone struggling in a difficult relationship. How should you listen? What should you say, not say? What are the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship? How do you encourage a healthy relationship? AVA strives to encourage healthy relationships and whole individuals.  


Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Led by Prajakta David

In this age of social media, we constantly receive messages and pressures holding an unrealistic projection of perfection. How do we stay authentic to who God has created us to be? How do we encourage and empower others to be fully who God has called them to be?


Finding Your Place in God's Purposes

Led by Susan Cosio

Each of us is called to serve God and others. But how can you discern your particular calling? This workshop will explore ways in which our gifts, passions, and personalities can be used to serve God and others. Learn to find yourself in God's plan!


Deluxe (Sold Out)

Redwood Lodge is located next to the Mission Springs Office. Each room has two double beds and private bathrooms.

$305.00Sold Out

Select (Sold Out)

Wellander and Laurel are located across from the worship center. Frontier Lodge is at the top of the hill just before Frontier Ranch. Bathrooms are in individual rooms.

$280.00Sold Out

Standard (Sold Out)

Cedar is above the dining hall. Sequoia is located between the worship center and the dining hall. Oak and Hemlock are located on the hike towards the pool. Fir and Pine are located near the pool. Bathrooms are centrally located in these buildings and are shared with all the rooms.

$210.00Sold Out

Rustic (Sold Out)

Girls cabin at Frontier Ranch. Tent cabins without electricity. Need to bring own bedding and flashlight. Bathrooms are centrally located.

$155.00Sold Out

Program Only (Sold Out)

No Mission Springs rooms are assigned. Please arrange your own accommodations. All meals provided.

$120.00Sold Out

One-Day Option (Sold Out)

Saturday only, 9am to 9pm. Lunch and dinner provided.

$75.00Sold Out

I want to donate

Donations will go towards retreat scholarship fund

Total: $0.00

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